On this page we give you more information about our brand Patch Your Health.


According to research oral products have a very low bioavailibility between ±6%, because of the First-Pass-Effect. This means the body breaks down the ingredients and will not enter the bloodstream. Our patches releases the ingredients through the skin directly into the bloodstream. Therefor the absorption increases 15 times to 65%. Also the patches are slow released, which means that doses is even over 24 hours.


The market

The Europe CBD market size was estimated at USD 347.7 million in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25.8% from 2024 to 2030. The market for CBD is predicted to expand in line with the growing acceptance and legalization of products. To cater consumer demand, companies are creating a diverse range of products infused with CBD, such as edibles, topicals, and beverages.

You can sell the PuroCuro products online and offline and to B2C and B2B. Under 'the concept' you find more information about this subject.

CBD patches (50mg per patch)

Cannabidiol is a substance found both in your own body and in cannabis plants. These plants contain more than 100 cannabinoids, CBD is only 1 of them! CBD is dereved from the hemp plant (which is different then the Weed plant!) and has no psychoactive effect: so you won't experience an euphoric effect.

CBD The most sold product is CBD oil, but the bioavailibility of the oil is only 6%. CBD patches change the bioavailibility with 15 times to ±65%. They also give the substance in 24 hours. Let's not forget the convienance; you don't have to take 3-5 times a day oil and... no bad taste also!

Hemp patches (64mg per patch)

The Hemp patches differ from the CBD patches, because the hemp patches are made of hemp seeds oil. CBD oil is made of the leaves and flowers.

The hemp patches has an other formula consisting of around 70 to 90% of polyunsaturated fatty acids (often referred to as healthy fats), it’s abundant in omega-3 essential fatty acids, tocopherols and linoleic and linolenic acids.

Therefor hemp patches are used for different kind of health issues then CBD patches.

Sleep patches

More the 50% of Europeans have problems with sleeping. These sleep problems can be for a little time or become chronic. These sleep patches work for 67% of our buyers. The patches stimulates falling asleep, improves longer sleep time and fresher waking up.

PYH sleep patches contain 10 natural ingredients: Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, 5-HTP, Ashwaganda, Chamomille, Passion Flower, Valerian root, Hops and L-Theanine.


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